Friday, April 23, 2010

Locks and Dams Turning On in Southern Ohio

Fishing in Southern Ohio, my neck of the woods, can be a great experience.  If someone were to look at this area from the outside they may only see a few locations as options for good fishing but that really is not the case.  The Ohio River is often the first thing, and rightfully so, that jumps into the minds of many.  In Meigs County, where I call home, there are several options like public lakes, smaller rivers and streams, ponds of all sizes that offer great fishing to the people who are willing to find them.  But, for today we will focus in on the easy topic, the old Ohio River.  In the Ohio Counties that border the Ohio River there are several public access locations that offer quality fishing and the only requirements is to have a valid fishing license.  These locations are great because they are designed with you the angler in mind.  Many of the public accesses have accommodations for the handicapped and elderly but not all sadly.  So, do your homework before going to ensure that every member of your party can have a great experience.  I point that out to you because these public accesses are one of the best places to find entire family groups enjoying a great day of fishing.  If your grandfather or grandmother is the one who taught you everything you know and your looking for a place to repay the favor, look no further than your local public access.
Recently I have spend time at two of my nearby locks and dams locations.  The Racine Locks and Dam and the RC Byrd Locks and Dam and have found both producing fish.  Every year spring breathes life back into these fishing hot spots and the informed anglers can take full advantage.  Right now The RC Byrd Locks and Dam is doing great for Hybrid Striped Bass as well as some Sauger, White Bass, Smallmouth Bass, and the Flathead Catfish and Channel Catfish are turning on as well. Check out the payday this average joe had recently.

The major calling card for these locations are the Hybrids Striped Bass and once you experience one of these fighters on your line you will totally understand why.  They fight and they fight hard.  It almost seems that they will fight to the death and I encourage anglers to use caution and revive the fish on release because it will have given you everything it has up to that point -pulse you will feel better about yourself.

Another desirable quality these fish have is a violent streak that any angler will never forget.  Strikes that can remove a fishing rod from a loose hand are not a rare thing and top water fishing is a commonly used fishing technique because it allows that angler to see the silver missile in "destory' mode as they smash these top water lures.  Currently live bait such as Minnows and Gizzard Shade are a favorite of fishermen as they are wisely matching the natural prey of the Hybrids that become pushed up along the walls of the dam.  

Well, that's just about it for this time.  I hope that you'll soon have a monster Hybrid story of your own.  If you do let us all know in the comment section below.  Tells us the tricks of your trade and help another average joe made a few memories of their own.  I'll leave you with the picture below to inspire you to turn off the computer and fishing shows and go fishing yourself.  If fish like this 10.4lb Hybrid doesn't motivate you then I can't help you.  God Bless and Good Luck average joes.

Nice job young man, nice job!  

Welcome to Average Joe Angler!

If your reading this you might be wondering what exactly this blog is about.  The title alone points you in the right direction, that being the classic and wonderful past time of fishing.  Here at the Average Joe Angler my aim is to not only focus in on angling in general but to point out a variety of things that any "Average Joe" can get into with limited time and money.  So, hopefully this blog will serve as a springboard for your fishing adventures and spark ideas and plans that lead to your next great fishing story.  As you begin reading this blog I hope you will be able to see and relate with me and my passion for one of America's best past times, and maybe, just maybe, become better than the average joe along the way!  Well, thank you for reading, and please enjoy your journey.